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Posted By Legal Team | May 24 2022 | Firm News, Motor Vehicle Accidents

To counter increase in roadway deaths, Feds to provide $1 billion in grants to localities

A car is much more than a possession. For many Americans, it represents a way to earn a living – building them, repairing them and selling them. For drivers, a car is a symbol of freedom whether heading out into the wild blue yonder or just the local mall. To accommodate drivers, laws were passed…

Posted By Legal Team | May 13 2022 | Firm News, Truck Accidents

Train-truck crashes often catastrophic

The tragic train-truck crash in Clarendon Hills on Wednesday that killed a Metra BNSF passenger also injured four other passengers including the conductor and train engineer. The train struck a slow-moving semitrailer truck when it became stuck behind another vehicle. The truck driver leaped to safety without injuries. A federal investigation will ultimately identify the…

Posted By Legal Team | May 4 2022 | Firm News, Personal Injury

Embrace the orange when driving through work zones

Those bright orange signs and striping lines that designate a roadway work zone are popping up everywhere. They warn motorists to slow down and use caution but can challenge and frustrate even the safest drivers. Drive too fast or recklessly through a zone, and you can endanger yourself, your passengers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Even the…

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