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Chicago HIE Lawyer (Birth Injury)

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Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a severe form of brain damage that occurs when an infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood. This serious condition can lead to lifelong disabilities and challenges. Families grappling with the consequences of HIE often face overwhelming emotional, medical, and financial burdens. In many cases, HIE results from preventable medical errors during childbirth, which could be grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Speak to a medical malpractice lawyer in Chicago today.

The personal injury law firm of Smith LaCien specializes in handling complex birth injury cases, including those involving HIE. Our birth injury lawyers in Chicago understand the profound impact these injuries can have on families, and we are dedicated to helping you seek justice and compensation. Our team combines deep legal expertise with compassion, recognizing the sensitivity needed when navigating such personal matters.

Understanding HIE

Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) happens when a baby’s brain does not receive enough oxygen and blood before, during, or after childbirth. This lack of oxygen and blood flow can cause damage to the brain cells, leading to a range of serious and potentially long-term effects. Some specific circumstances that can lead to HIE may include:

  • Umbilical Cord Problems: Medical negligence can occur if issues like cord prolapse or cord compression are not promptly identified or adequately managed, significantly reducing the oxygen supply critical for the baby’s survival.
  • Prolonged or Difficult Labor: Failure to act timely during prolonged or difficult labor can deplete the baby’s limited oxygen reserves, leading to HIE.
  • Maternal Blood Pressure Issues: Negligence may be evident if maternal blood pressure problems are not correctly managed. These can critically impact the blood flow to the placenta and fetus, increasing the risk of HIE.
  • Placental Abruption: If signs of placental abruption, where the placenta detaches from the womb prematurely, are ignored or mismanaged, it can interrupt the delivery of essential oxygen and nutrients to the baby.
  • Inadequate Fetal Monitoring: Inadequate monitoring can delay the detection of distress and the subsequent medical response necessary to prevent brain damage.

Disabilities and Challenges Resulting from HIE

The severity and range of disabilities resulting from HIE depend on the extent of the brain damage and the specific areas of the brain that were affected. Common challenges and disabilities include:

  • Cognitive Impairments: These can range from mild learning disabilities to severe intellectual disability.
  • Physical Disabilities: Motor impairments such as cerebral palsy are common, which can affect body movement, muscle control, muscle coordination, tone, reflex, posture, and balance.
  • Epilepsy: Many children with HIE may develop epilepsy, which is characterized by recurrent seizures.
  • Sensory Impairments: Vision and hearing loss can also occur depending on the areas of the brain affected.
  • Behavioral Issues: Children with HIE may experience challenges such as autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, and other behavioral and emotional disorders.
  • Developmental Delays: Delays in reaching developmental milestones such as sitting up, crawling, and speaking are common among children affected by HIE.

Take the First Steps Today

If you suspect that medical negligence played a role in your child’s birth injury, don’t face this challenge alone. Contact our Chicago injury attorneys today for a free, confidential consultation. Our committed medical negligence team is ready to evaluate your case and discuss how we can help you progress toward recovery and justice. Trust us to be your advocates in this crucial time. Let’s work together to bring light to your situation and achieve the compensation and peace of mind you deserve. Reach us at (312) 509-8900 or use our online form to find more information or to schedule an appointment.

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